
歌,既可撫慰情緒,也可填補生活的空隙,分享給......... 那些愛著與被愛、哭著與想哭的你們

well you'd better listen my sisters and brothers
'cause if you do you can hear
there are voices still calling across the years
and they're all crying across the ocean
and they're crying across the land
and they will until we all come to understand

none of us are free
none of us are free
none of us are free if one of us is chained
none of us are free (chorus repeating)

and there are people still in darkness
and they just can't see the light
if we don't asy it's wrong then that says it's right
we got try to feel for each other, let our brother's know that we care
got to get the message, send it out loud and clear
(chorus repeating)

now i swear your salvation isn't too hard too find
none of us can find it on our own
we've got to join together in sprirt, heart and mind
so that every soul who's suffering will know we're not alone
(chorus repeating)

if you just look around you
you're gonna see what I say
cause the world is getting smaller each passing day
now it's time to start making changes
and it's time for us all to realize
that the truth is shining real bright right before our eyes
(chorus repeating)

你披星戴月  你不辭冰雪
你穿過山野  來到我的心田
你像遠在天邊  又似近在眼前
直到充臆心間  我才後知後覺
你給我安慰  我不至頹廢
你寬容慈悲  我能振翅高飛
你卻功成身退  我不及言謝
你不告而別  我才後知後覺     ( 我的存在也許不是他人的幸福,你的曾經,卻成了我的養分與支柱 )

愛讓我們虛偽 我得到 於事無補的安慰
殘忍也不失慈悲 這樣的關係你說 多完美

是否說愛都太過沉重 過度使用不癢不痛
燒得火紅 蛇行纏繞心中 終於冷凍終於有始無終
得不到的永遠在騷動 被偏愛的 都有恃無恐
玫瑰的紅 容易受傷的夢 握在手中卻流失於指縫

只能說我輸了 也許是你怕了
只能說我認了 你的不安贏得你信任

你會不會忽然的出現 在街角的咖啡店
我會帶著笑臉 揮手寒喧 和你 坐著聊聊天
我多麼想和你見一面 看看你最近改變
不再去說從前 只是寒喧 對你說一句
只是說一句 好久不見


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